Sagamité Watso
The First Nations Soup
A soup made with 9 varieties of beans, leached corn, spices and dehydrated vegetables. Simply add all the ingredients to a pot of boiling water.

What is Sagamité Watso?
Discover the traditional native soup

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The traditional abenaki soup of Odanak, carefully prepared from 9 varieties of beans, leached corn, spices and dehydrated vegetables for a tasty and nutritious blend.
Each bag of Sagamite is made with premium ingredients to ensure a delicious and nutritious soup. Simply add all the ingredients to a pot of boiling water and simmer for a real explosion of flavor in your mouth. Sagamité is a hearty and comforting soup, ideal for winter days or for any convivial occasion.
We are convinced that you will love Sagamité as much as we do and that you will be happy to share this unique culinary experience with your loved ones. By purchasing our Sagamité, you are supporting a small local family business and helping to preserve our native culinary heritage.
Order now and let yourself be seduced by this exceptional soup, pride of our aboriginal culinary heritage. Thank you for allowing us to make our Sagamité known to as many people as possible!

Rich in protein, fiber, iron and magnesium
Beans are rich in important nutrients such as protein, fiber, iron and magnesium.
Promotes good digestion
The high fiber content of beans promotes good digestive health.
Helps prevent heart disease
Beans may reduce the risk of heart disease due to their soluble fiber and protective phytonutrient content.
Promote stable blood sugar levels
Beans can help maintain stable blood sugar levels because of their fiber and complex carbohydrate content.
Helps reduce cholesterol
Beans can help reduce cholesterol because of their soluble fiber content.
Delicious, nutritious and indigenous
Beans are a delicious and nutritious food that has been used as a staple in many indigenous cultures for thousands of years.

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OrderFabriqué sur le territoire Abénaki d'Odanak
Made in Abenaki territory of Odanak

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